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Remove gpkg #152

Closed zacharlie closed 1 year ago

zacharlie commented 2 years ago

Address #151 and remove large gpkg still present in history

zacharlie commented 2 years ago

Not sure why so many files seem "changed" or where the collisions are. I only removed one file with bfg

Works on my machine ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@timlinux it might make sense to ensure your local clone is up to date before merging so if this does anything strange when merged you can git push --force to correct

timlinux commented 1 year ago

@zacharlie do you think we could rather close this and recreate the patch from head (if it is not too much hassle)?

zacharlie commented 1 year ago

Yeah @timlinux the PR process didnt work as I anticipated with the history rewrite. I have just pulled, so you can force push to main and if anything goes wrong I have the current state in tact at least