kartoza / prj.app

A django app for creating visual changelogs for software releases
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In rst export there are still some references to github #1370

Open rduivenvoorde opened 2 years ago

rduivenvoorde commented 2 years ago

Export is going pretty smooth now!! 3.22 has some small glitches...

When downloading the zip export of changelog 3.22 there are some images still pointing to github repos. Funny thing is that they all have special names:

.. |image| image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9881900/126294292-06c91bd5-83d2-4d6f-88a2-38fa2d303c86.png
.. |Peek 2021-08-29 14-38| image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9881900/131250678-52360214-31a9-4cf9-ad84-b10a4f78c431.gif
.. |mapToolrefine| image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7416892/125721486-055c4cc3-5309-4455-bc5c-e00d6f349bc4.gif
.. |image14| image:: images/entries/a914bfb8a85bf2ab2232e8bfad6c3af3cdd751cb.gif
.. |image19| image:: images/entries/5da7e6705568488c08fbf7faaf311b2eca46c9da.gif
.. |forceByBreakLine| image:: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7416892/132239197-096d733b-b519-4aab-9384-79724fd84331.gif
.. |image21| image:: images/entries/704c731583ce48d963fe9878177bc40639ae3078.png
.. |image22| image:: images/entries/04937a2d9bba1e27712351f52e6b6f4d5fc0be4d.gif

For now I'm going to replace them by hand, but I think it would be nicer if the export would do that?

zacharlie commented 2 years ago

So usually I manually store each individual piece of media by uploading one at a time, then assign the projects url reference if an entry had multiple media items. Sometimes I just download the images and stitch them together so we just have one neat thumbnail.

In previous releases I actually went through each entry and did this manually, but with 3.22 other contributors were shuffling entries into categories so it was hard to track what had been processed and what hadn't.

I definitely think it would be useful if the harvesting process for prs actually identified media links and loaded these items into projects directly and it would save a lot of work.

In the meantime if there are any suggestions on validating or checking the changelog output that can be added to the workflows it would be great.

rduivenvoorde commented 2 years ago

@zacharlie well, there will always be some hand picking of small issues in text or markup.. That is not a problem.

Thanks for the export, just uploaded and build (english): https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog322/index.html