kartoza / qgis-gea-plugin

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UR 3: Drawing tool #8

Open amyburness opened 2 weeks ago

amyburness commented 2 weeks ago

3.1) As a user, I want to use a drawing tool in the plugin to draw an area in which I want to do an afforestation project and save that polygon. (see fig 2) image

3.1) The user must be able to click on the draw project area button and the plugin must open a digitization toolbar. 3.2) A crosshairs must appear on the map canvas to show the drawing tool is active. 3.3) The background image must automatically change to Google imagery for the user to use as a guide. 3.4) There must be fields available for the user to input attributes for the polygon with quality-of-life options like a calendar for the date and a dropdown for the country, the report generation date should be taken automatically as the day the user made the polygon. 3.5) The plugin must only allow the digitization of one polygon at a time as a site 3.6) The user may not save a polygon with no attribute data 3.7) The polygon must be saved to a dedicated scenario folder in the project folder for retrieval later. 3.8) Automatically calculates the area of the polygon and saves it as an attribute. Wishlist: view the area of the polygon when being digitized.

amyburness commented 2 weeks ago

Number of user-defined polygons per site: confirmed as a single polygon per site file, so that if a farmer has two possible sites, they would be treated, captured and saved as two separate site files / reports, but could be associated using the site report name similarities. Cleaner and simpler to manage.

Report (pdf) content to be captured:

• Date of Project Inception

• Site Reference

• Version of Site Reference

• Date of Site Capture

• Author of Site Capture

• Country Location

The Date of Project Inception refers to a fixed point in time, representing the inception date of the whole re-afforestation project, against which the 10 and 20 year historical threshold years are back-dated and determined. Use pull-down calendar menu to enter month-year, or year-only if easier – GEA not confirmed either as preferred.

The Site Reference refers to the unique location / name of the user-defined polygon that represents a possible re-afforestation site. GEA not defined how this should be captured, but maybe a standard naming convention with fixed character lengths. For example [adhocgeo-name/project-name][country][admin poly][capture_date]. This would be a combo of pull-down and user-entered text.

The Site Version allows a user to track any updates to an already defined site boundary, and save the new boundary as a same-name, but with version 2,3,4 etc. This will be a simple pull-down menu option. Not sure how to control users entering the same site name if all that differs is the version ?

The Date of Site Capture refers to the date on which the tool-user saves the site details, with the associated polygon boundary (pull-down calendar menu: day_month_year)

The Name of Author refers to the tool-user who created the site polygon and saved the site details. No guidance on name format, so lets’s assume, surname [15 characters]_firstname [10 characters].

The Country Location will be a pull-down menu option, with the country names available for selection.