kartoza / rezoning-2-project

Rezoning project organizational repository
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Areas that return very few zones have incorrect visualisation #79

Closed LunaAsefaw closed 1 year ago

LunaAsefaw commented 1 year ago

🐛 Describe the bug

The zone score says it is =1 but when you look at what 1 is on the legend, it should be dark blue instead. Similar situation for the second image, still not the correct shade.

💡 Expected behavior

If the zone score value is equal to 1, it should generate a dark blue cell, not a turquoise one (which means zone=0)

📸 Screenshot



dimasciput commented 1 year ago

@akshay2408 let me work on this one

gclapp1 commented 1 year ago

Tested for eight Pacific Island countries and four small European countries- all worked so closing ticket.