We should check the Species Model Output page in the django admin to check for errors from R code from small datasets.
Giraffa Giraffa
{'error': ['Unhandled exception: single unique value'], 'detail': ['Error in classIntervals(df$pop_est, n = number_categories, style = "fisher"): single unique value\n']}
{'error': ['Unhandled exception: Assigned data `cat` must be compatible with existing data.'], 'detail': ["Error in `$<-` at plumber.R:1391:3:\n! Assigned data `cat` must be compatible with existing data.\n✖ Existing data has 4 rows.\n✖ Assigned data has 3 rows.\nℹ Only vectors of size 1 are recycled.\nCaused by error in `vectbl_recycle_rhs_rows()`:\n! Can't recycle input of size 3 to size 4.\n"]}
{'error': ['Unhandled exception: no applicable method for \'group_by\' applied to an object of class "character"'], 'detail': ['Error in UseMethod("group_by"): no applicable method for \'group_by\' applied to an object of class "character"\n']}
We should check the Species Model Output page in the django admin to check for errors from R code from small datasets. E.g. Giraffa Giraffa
Dataset: 2906_giraffa_giraffa.csv
Ceratotherium simum
Dataset: 2874_ceratotherium_simum.csv
Alcelaphus buselaphus
Dataset: 2919_alcelaphus_buselaphus.csv