Open mvmaltitz opened 3 days ago
I have tested the fix after PR #269 has been deployed to staging. I could download 5 and 10 years CBAM historical data from Kenya bbox, the detail is below:
5 Years start: 2012-01-01 end: 2016-12-31
Time: 2024-11-20 08:09 Total response time: 32.14 s File size: 2.2 GB CPU: 0.655 Memory: 1.3 GB
10 years start: 2012-01-01 end: 2021-12-31
Time: 2024-11-20 08:13 Total response time: 90.86 s File size: 4.5 GB CPU: 0.85 Memory: 1.57
Between the test, I also cleared the zarr cache on django.
how about for other dataset @mvmaltitz? This is the current setting on staging:
The dataset that is not in above table will not have any date range restriction.
@danangmassandy From what i understand, the CBAM is most likely to be pulled, but the option needs to be available for all the datasets
e.g All of CBAM for 10 years for all of Kenya