karutaproject / karuta-backend_legacy

Data repository for Karuta. Can write into MySQL and Oracle databases.
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Build fails because of missing ojdbc6.jar dependency #62

Closed eviweb closed 7 years ago

eviweb commented 7 years ago


in the pom.xml file, is specified the following local dependency:

      <systemPath>${basedir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc6.jar</systemPath> <!-- must match file name -->

But the file is missing and this breaks the building process. Best regards Eric

nobry commented 7 years ago

Fixed in issue https://github.com/karutaproject/karuta-backend/commit/d1d1f967d43c4267f16d6adf4dddf08022b03181

I thought I had this commented. Anyway, Oracle forbid any kind of re-distribution of their binaries. If you need Oracle, you will have to download the jar file and place it in the specified systemPath (or change it if it suits you) It's correctly disabled now.
