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[Enhancement] Segmentation Component #6

Open thedroiddiv opened 1 month ago

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago

criticalAY commented 1 month ago
  1. Dashboard Cards chip color

It already has the mentioned color so I don't think we need to do anything here

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago

Working on 6.

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago

Done 4 and 6

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago

Taking up 8

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago
  1. Segment duration

We actually need the start and end duration on the handles 1 and 2. Show segment duration in center is done.

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago
  1. Add segment in mid and hide component

How would I add a segment to the end? Select the last segment and click add?

Is there use-case for the hide button?

Yes, if people want to scroll up and see, the hide button becomes helpful. On Some devices, the segmentation component might take up to 3/4th of the screen height

thedroiddiv commented 1 month ago
  1. Long press pop-up

Required for dev related processes