kas-catholic / confessit-web

Source code for https://confessit.app
MIT License
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New React Framework? #81

Open kas-catholic opened 1 week ago

kas-catholic commented 1 week ago

confessit-web was originally created with create-react-app in 2019. While it has served us pretty well for five years and still works fine, it might be worth migrating to a (newer) framework. Doing so might get us these benefits:

Any new framework we'd use must satisfy these requirements:

Astro seems like perhaps a good candidate. It's static content mode would work well for us.

Next.js also supports a static export using either the app or pages router, though NextJS seems to be leaning heavily into SSR.

This might be a good opportunity to consider React Native or Expo. Even if we remain web-only for now, using Expo would provide an opportunity to expand to native apps (distributed via app stores) later.


b-a-merritt commented 1 week ago

Expo is an excellent tool for simple apps. I've used it for two apps, and it streamlines much of the deployment process. I've only used it for iOS and Android, never for the web, so I can't recommend it there.