[ ] Extend is_action_feasible to include QA/EA as a parameter. For example, is the action feasible for an estimated QA > X.
[ ] Extend the ROS service and messages used for checking whether an action is feasible
$qa isa QualityAttribute, has attribute-name "qa_turning_radius";
$a isa Action, has action-name "a_inspect_harbor_wall";
$fr (action:$a, required-function:$f) isa functional-requirement;
$fd (function: $f, required-component:$c) isa function-design; #TODO: check if there is FD that satisfies the estimation
$cc (component: $c, parameter: $p) isa component-configuration;
$e (causer:$cc , affected: $qa) isa estimation, has estimation-value $e_value, has estimation-type "absolute";
$e_value > 7.0;