kasbert / OS-X-SAT-SMART-Driver

Max OS X kernel driver for providing access to external drive SMART data
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"System Information.app" fails enumerating USB #22

Open maxried opened 10 years ago

maxried commented 10 years ago

Might be connected to #18 On Mavericks.3 System Profiler fails to enumerate USB devices. system_profiler seems to work.

Console shows: 15.06.14 13:31:21,288 System Information[455]: Failed to parse plist output from '/usr/sbin/system_profiler -nospawn -xml SPUSBDataType -detailLevel full', error: Unexpected character S at line 1

pwassam commented 8 years ago


This is because:

$ /usr/sbin/system_profiler -nospawn -xml SPUSBDataType -detailLevel full | head -n 30

SATSMARTLibFactory called
SATSMARTClient::alloc called
SATSMARTClient : QueryInterface called
kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID requested
SATSMARTClient::Probe called
SATSMARTClient::Probe called 0
SATSMARTClient : Start
SATSMARTClient : IOServiceOpen status = 0x00000000, connection = 19467
SATSMARTClient : QueryInterface called
kIOATASMARTInterfaceID requested
SATSMARTClient::SMARTEnableDisableOperations called
SATSMARTClient::SMARTEnableDisableOperations status = 0
SATSMARTClient::SMARTEnableDisableAutosave called
SATSMARTClient::SMARTEnableDisableAutosave status = 0
SATSMARTClient::SMARTReturnStatus called
exceededCondition = 0
SATSMARTClient::SMARTReturnStatus status = 0 outputCnt = 1
SATSMARTClient : Stop
SATSMARTClient : IOServiceClose connection = 19467
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Debug strings are making it into the output. Notably this behavior is shipped with Samsung T3 SSD drivers. (http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/global/html/support/downloads.html bottom of page)

kasbert commented 8 years ago

OMG. They really included a copy of the driver. It seems to be their own version.

Thanks for the info.