kaschioudi / ojs3-markup

markup plugin for OJS3
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Submissions without abstracts in OJS get them detected by OTS #40

Closed asmecher closed 6 years ago

asmecher commented 7 years ago

Some submissions won't have metadata in OJS (e.g. abstracts). The absence of an abstract is useful information, and I'd suggest when that's the case, it should prevent OTS from attempting to grab one from the document, as I expect it'll be a low-quality match for an important piece of metadata.

That should probably apply more broadly to metadata that OJS can provide -- thinking e.g. about journals that don't provide a full set of volume/number/year data.

(Open to ideas around this, @kaschioudi and @axfelix.)

axfelix commented 7 years ago

Would it be sufficient for OTS to not attempt to parse any missing metadata in cases where it receives any known-good metadata from OJS? In other words, should including metadata as an input parameter to OTS skip any other front matter parsing entirely?

asmecher commented 7 years ago

Yes, I think that would be a safe approach.

axfelix commented 7 years ago

OK, good, that's the current behaviour :)