kasei / attean

A Perl Semantic Web Framework
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Bad version in "parse_term_from_string is deprecated" warning #131

Closed ppisar closed 5 years ago

ppisar commented 5 years ago

parse_term_from_string() subroutine in lib/AtteanX/Parser/Turtle.pm and lib/AtteanX/Parser/NTuples.pm contains this code:

    sub parse_term_from_string {
        carp "parse_term_from_string is deprecated and will be removed in Attean 0.022 (use parse_term_from_bytes instead)";
        return shift->parse_term_from_bytes(@_);

The warning about deprecation mentions a version and the version always matches the Attean release number. I believe this a mistake caused by a version massupdate.

kasei commented 5 years ago

Good catch. It started out as a warning about removal in 0.018, so I think I should probably just remove it at this point. Thanks for reporting this!

ppisar commented 5 years ago

Fixed in Attean-0.023.