kasei / perlrdf

Deprecated in favor of the Attean package
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RDF::Trine specifies perl version 5.10, but dependencies have higher requirements #154

Closed jwrightecs closed 5 years ago

jwrightecs commented 6 years ago

At https://metacpan.org/source/GWILLIAMS/RDF-Trine-1.018/Makefile.PL perl_version '5.010'; But IRI is listed as a dependency, and at https://metacpan.org/source/GWILLIAMS/IRI-0.008/Makefile.PL perl_version '5.014'; the minimum version of perl for RDF::Trine should be increased to the maximum of its dependencies minimum perl version, that way, the cpan client can bail out early.

That said, changing references in IRI from perl 5.14 to 5.10 and changing the line package IRI { to { package IRI; allows the IRI test suite, and the installation to succeed on Perl 5.10. It also allows RDF::Trine to build and install on 5.10

kasei commented 6 years ago

Hi @jwrightecs,

I standardized on 5.14 some time ago for my own preference and sanity. Moreover, RDF::Trine is not being actively developed anymore. I've made a number of maintenance releases this year, each time in the hope that it'll be the last one.

Since I don't plan on doing any serious development on RDF::Trine again, I'm not terribly opposed to this sort of change, but I am resistant to doing in in IRI which I do plan on actively maintaining (and which I see you've submitted a PR for in kasei/perl-iri#12). When development on IRI started 5.18 had already been released , and 5.10 was already 7 years old. Do you have an actual need for these modules using 5.10 or 5.12?

kasei commented 5 years ago

kasei/perl-iri#12 was merged to downgrade perl requirements to 5.10 last year. Therefore, I'm closing this issue as I don't believe it is relevant anymore.