kasemsasa / 305-SOFT-Group-19

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FP Task 6: Analyze User Feedback #66

Open MJSher opened 8 months ago

MJSher commented 8 months ago

Analyze User Feedback. Analyze the results of your survey and come up with at least two observations that the team will address. In your answer document, put the Label 6 and record the observations in this format: ● <Feedback Item 1 Title> ○ Observation: ○ Possible Reason: ○ User Story label for change that results from this observation (if any): ● <Feedback Item 2 Title> ○ Observation: ○ Possible Reason: ○ User Story label for change that results from this observation (if any): ● Finally, add one one stating your average net promoter score. Your team should have at least two Feedback Items. Any new User Stories generated must be in your GitHub Project PBI list. These user stories do not have to be implemented for the final project, just listed as PBIs that the team would get to eventually. Recall that you added a PBI in Assignment 8 for getting NPS - Questions 5 and 6 here have done that, so move the PBI to “Done” in your project.