kash4kev / vscode-esp8266fs

Visual Studio Code extension for ESP8266/ESP32 File System (SPIFFS)
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Plugin stops after "Uploading SPIFFS file with esptool.py" #12

Open FordPrfkt opened 5 years ago

FordPrfkt commented 5 years ago

The plugin stops after: Output Port: COM4 mkspiffs: C:\Users\danie\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools\mkspiffs\2.5.0-3-20ed2b9\mkspiffs.exe Found "mkspiffs" via VSCode Configuration esptool: C:\Users\danie\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.5.2\tools\esptool\esptool.py Found "esptool" via VSCode Configuration --- Uploading SPIFFS file with esptool.py --- Python Executable: "python" Nothing happens and vscode tells me the plugin is still running if i try to restart it

maciekn commented 4 years ago

@FordPrfkt I think I have encountered similar issue recently and fixed in on my branch @ https://github.com/maciekn/vscode-esp8266fs/tree/issue/missing-esptool

As far as I have found out, the overarching reason is breaking change in ESP version 2.5 with the way how esptool is being managed. More details at https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/5635/files

As I am also attaching compiled extension from that branch: vscode-esp8266fs-1.1.1-maciekn-snapshot.vsix.zip

InnuendoPi commented 4 years ago

Thx! Works. quick n dirty I added + "m" to flashFreq and replaced const flashSize with "detect" Innu

maciekn commented 4 years ago

FWIW, after I spent few hours trying to fix SPIFFS upload from VS Studio, I found PlatformIO which solved this challenge* in a painless way. I highly recommend trying this one if you haven't done it yet!

*and few other challenges I had with Arduino addon for ESP8266 like incremental compilation