kash4kev / vscode-esp8266fs

Visual Studio Code extension for ESP8266/ESP32 File System (SPIFFS)
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Upload issue "Can't determine FlashMode" #2

Open damianog opened 6 years ago

damianog commented 6 years ago

Since last update when I try to upload my data folder the extension tells: "Can't determine FlashMode"

kash4kev commented 6 years ago

Hi damianog,

What's in your arduino.json file?

damianog commented 6 years ago


   "board": "esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2",
   "configuration": "CpuFrequency=80,FlashSize=4M1M,LwIPVariant=v2mss536,Debug=Disabled,DebugLevel=None____,FlashErase=none,UploadSpeed=115200",
   "port": "COM3",
   "sketch": "EVRemote.ino",
   "output": "../build"

It goes well two week ago with these settings but now I can't upload. No problem from Aruino SPIFFS uploader.


kash4kev commented 6 years ago

Works fine on my machine with that board/config (under Windows):

Found ESP8266 packages: C:\Users\Kev\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.4.1 --- Uploading SPIFFS file with esptool[.exe] --- SPIFFS Uploading Image... (c:\Code\PlatformIO\Blink\spiffs.image) [SPIFFS] program: C:\Users\Kev\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools\esptool\0.4.13\esptool.exe [SPIFFS] address: 0x300000 [SPIFFS] reset : nodemcu [SPIFFS] port : COM18 [SPIFFS] speed : 115200

What OS are you running? Can you add "esp8266fs.logLevel": "verbose" to your settings and see if that gives us a better clue as to where it's screwing up.

Thanks, Kev

damianog commented 6 years ago

Hi @kash4kev

If I add "FlashMode=keep,FlashFreq=keep" in configuration

"configuration": "CpuFrequency=80,FlashSize=4M1M,LwIPVariant=v2mss536,Debug=Disabled,DebugLevel=None____,FlashErase=none,UploadSpeed=115200,FlashMode=keep,FlashFreq=keep",

I managed to start the upload process.

I used "keep" as default parameter as explained in https://github.com/espressif/esptool

But I can't set these pararameters by board configuration


Maybe you should pass these parameters by default if absent or avoid FlashMode and FlashFreq arguments if not defined.


TildenG commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same problem and even after using your fix it freezes before It starts to pack the file...

ESP8266 SPIFFS interface started: "pack". Preferences Path: "C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Local\Arduino15" Reading preferences from "C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\preferences.txt" ESP8266 Data Files path: "c:\Users\FirstName LastName\OneDrive\Documents_\Arduino\testing\FHTbot\data" SPIFFS Image: "c:\Users\FirstName LastName\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\testing\FHTbot\spiffs.image" Arduino User Path: "C:\Users\FirstName LastName\Documents\Arduino" Found ESP8266 packages: C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.4.2 Tools Path: "C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools" Output Port: COM4 --- Packing SPIFFS file --- SPIFFS Creating Image... (c:\Users\FirstName LastName\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\testing\FHTbot\spiffs.image) [SPIFFS] program: C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\tools\mkspiffs\0.2.0\mkspiffs.exe [SPIFFS] data : c:\Users\FirstName LastName\OneDrive\Documents\Arduino\testing\FHTbot\data [SPIFFS] size : 3053K [SPIFFS] page : 256 [SPIFFS] block : 8192 Running: "C:/Users/FirstName LastName/AppData/Local/Arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/mkspiffs/0.2.0/mkspiffs.exe" --create "c:/Users/FirstName LastName/OneDrive/Documents/Arduino/testing/FHTbot/data" --size 3125248 --page 256 --block 8192 "c:/Users/FirstName LastName/OneDrive/Documents/Arduino/testing/FH_Tbot/spiffs.image"

And.... nothing, it just sits there, after leaving it for some time if I try to pack it again it says "ESP8266FS already running "pack"! ".

I'm running this on Windows 10.

TildenG commented 5 years ago

If you change the Arduino preferences.txt from... custom_CpuFrequency=d1_mini_80 custom_Debug=d1_mini_Disabled custom_DebugLevel=d1_mini_None____ custom_FlashErase=d1_mini_none custom_FlashSize=d1_mini_4M3M custom_LwIPVariant=d1_mini_v2mss536 custom_UploadSpeed=d1_mini_921600 custom_VTable=d1_mini_flash


custom_CpuFrequency=d1_mini_80 custom_Debug=d1_mini_Disabled custom_DebugLevel=d1_mini_None____ custom_FlashErase=d1_mini_none custom_FlashFreq=esp32_80 custom_FlashMode=esp32_qio custom_FlashSize=d1_mini_4M3M custom_LwIPVariant=d1_mini_v2mss536 custom_UploadSpeed=d1_mini_921600 custom_VTable=d1_mini_flash

You wont have to keep adding ,FlashMode=keep,FlashFreq=keep every time you change settings in visual studio code.

I suspect the freezing problem is caused by white space in my user name. As it works fine on my laptop the only difference being that my username is only one word on my laptop.

TildenG commented 5 years ago

I relocated esptool.exe and mkspiffs.exe to a directory with no spaces in there name, updated there location in the visual studio ESP8266FS settings.

Relocated my project to a directory with no spaces and its working fine.

rossiniscarface commented 5 years ago

Yeah, had also a whitespace problem on my environment. My project folder had a space in it. Result: files to pack not found, image not found. If i enable verbose logging i can copy the comands and execute them without problems.