Datavis supports selectors of the format:
select={'theta':less_than(0.115)|greater_than(0.125), 'servers':greater_than(2)}
which translates to:
theta<0.115 OR theta>0.125 AND servers>2
the following is not supported
theta>0.115 AND theta<0.125 OR servers>2 (the "OR" here cannot be represented by the selector)
so selectors are of the form:
select={attr1:selector1, attr2:selector2, attr3:selector3, ...}
which translates to:
selector1(attr1) AND selector2(attr2) AND selector3(attr3) ...
Datavis supports selectors of the format: select={'theta':less_than(0.115)|greater_than(0.125), 'servers':greater_than(2)} which translates to: theta<0.115 OR theta>0.125 AND servers>2
the following is not supported theta>0.115 AND theta<0.125 OR servers>2 (the "OR" here cannot be represented by the selector)
so selectors are of the form: select={attr1:selector1, attr2:selector2, attr3:selector3, ...} which translates to: selector1(attr1) AND selector2(attr2) AND selector3(attr3) ...
Is this a problem?