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Possible Bug - No audio from Kasm disposable browsers #336

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When launching a disposable browser, there is no audio coming from the browser sessions. Tried with Safari and Brave.. both have the same issue. Turning on an off the audio on the right panel does not solve the issue.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a disposable browser (any)
  2. Go to any streaming website, I.e Youtube
  3. Start a video

Expected behavior Excepted to hear audio output from the browsers.

Client Browser (please complete the following information):

j-travis commented 1 year ago

What version of Kasm Workspace are you running, and how did you install it

ghost commented 1 year ago

Thank you @j-travis for your reply. I am running Kasm Cloud personal where i launch the remote disposable browsers directly from host browser (Safari or Brave). I have not installed any software in my local machine. I access the portal from here

j-travis commented 1 year ago

When you open a session , there should be a control panel on the left hand side. Can you turn audio off then back on and see if that fixes your issue.

We had a number of mac users test here and for the most part audio worked in Safari and Chromium based browsers. In a few instances folks had to toggle audio off/on.

It would be interesting to know if you are running into the same thing.

If so, it would help to know your browser versions

image image

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hey @j-travis. That is exactly the first thing i did to try to troubleshoot the issue as mentioned on the first message. I tried to turn on and off the audio using the side panel multiple times with no success at all.

Also worth to mention that on Safari the streaming quality is 10 times worst than Brave.. using the same streaming quality. (On safari is much blurred and the fonts are very low quality)

Brave version: [Version 1.48.171 Chromium: 110.0.5481.177 (Official Build) Safari: Latest Version with Mac OS 13.2.1

j-travis commented 1 year ago

If you have any extensions enabled in your browsers, can you disabled them and try again. As for the blurry issue, can you check the zoom levels on your browser.

Finaly, can you confirm if you are using the demo sessions on this site, https://www.kasmweb.com/cloud-personal, or if you are logging into the service at https://app.kasmweb.com?

ghost commented 1 year ago

@j-travis - I do not have any browser extensions that might prevent the audio from working, however i have tried in incognito mode with NO extension enabled and the sounds still does not work.

j-travis commented 1 year ago

You may need to check the console log in the developer tools to see if any errors are produced. If you'd like, you can submit debugging HAR and console log information by capturing the information and submitting it to our team.

You can follow the instructions here: https://kasmweb.com/docs/latest/how_to/client_debugging.html

Do not post the debugging data on github

Instead, you can submit it directly to us via the support form here: https://kasmweb.com/support

ghost commented 1 year ago

How can i submit a ticket if the support page mention is only for professional and enterprise ? I use Kasm Personal only.

The page does require a Install ID which i do not have.

j-travis commented 1 year ago

please put "Cloud Personal". Yes, its not intended for this service but I'll have someone keep an eye out for it and put get it routed to the right person.

ghost commented 1 year ago

thank you @j-travis. I have submitted a ticket from the support page and included log at the exact moment when i create a disposable browser. Please keep me posted.

j-travis commented 1 year ago

@DrPay87 , please submit the HAR file as well. Thank you

ghost commented 1 year ago

@j-travis Apologise, i forgot to capture a file the first time. I have now attached the HAR file sending a ticket thorough the support page.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@j-travis To answer your question about the Safari zoom.. is set to 100%... changing it higher or lower does not affect the quality which remains blurry and very low quality... also changing the stream quality to higher or lower on the right panel does not affect the overall quality at all..

ghost commented 1 year ago

hey @j-travis - Are there any updates for this issue ? Thanks.

j-travis commented 1 year ago

No, According to the debug data your browser doesnt attempt to make the network call for the audio service, so something is going on from the browser side to . Please note, we've had reports in the past of ad blockers like Tunnel Bear blocking audio because it flagged it as "ultrasonic spyware".

As far as the blurry session, can you try changing you OS level scaling settings to see if you can get things working better. I understand its not ideal , but knowing what they are currently set at , and ultimately what may fix it will help our devs

ghost commented 1 year ago

@j-travis - When i tried in incognito mode, the audio was not working.. the adblock and all others extensions were disabled, hence i would exclude the adblock issue.

The OS level scaling is set to default, i never scaled my OS.. just for the sake of trying.. i switched to extra space and the only difference was just much smaller browser text.. but the quality was not affected.

Current resolution for external display is 1920x1080 (native screen resolution)

j-travis commented 1 year ago

Ok, well I'm sorry its not working. We are unable to replicate your issues.

At 100% zoom and default scaling Kasm sessions should be crisp. We do have ongoing efforts to improve the scaling blurry for other zoom and scaling configurations that end up in fractional anti aliasing issue.

Keep in mind the underlying Linux container is not running in hidpi, soif you are running a super high end display . kasm sessions may not be able to match that

ghost commented 1 year ago

@j-travis - I am using a standard 24 inch Dell monitor.. i am running Linux VMs and i do not have any display issue at all.. tried also various linux DAAS and no problem there either. A note worthy to mention.. the blurry issue occurs only on Safari. On brave or chrome it looks crips as it should. I believe to be an optimisation issue with Safari browsers.

About my current audio issue, i take it as there is no solution ? Considering the issue is the same on both browsers, i believe there is something wrong in the backend of Kasm.

I paid for the software and i would like to use it like other customers.

lusmo commented 1 month ago

Hello, I have a similar problem:

How could I fix the problem? Thank you!