kaspanet / rusty-kaspa

Kaspa full-node and related libraries in the Rust programming language. This is a stable version at the initial rollout phases.
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Weird issue starting integrated node #478

Closed Jinxsyns closed 1 month ago

Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Unsure what may have caused it but I all of a sudden can't get the p2p node to start when using the integrated daemon. If i go to a remote node it works though. it just seems to get stuck in starting (it just says not connected and starting)

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: All I did was open the program. it worked fine the last time I ran it? And like i said switching to a remote node to sync off of works but even switching back to integrated daemon doesn't work to start up the integrated daemon Expected behavior It to function? I apologize if that sounds rude not my intention it just isn't functioning at all (the node specifically the rest of the program works)

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aspect commented 1 month ago

It is more of a Kaspa NG issue, which should be filed at https://github.com/aspectron/kaspa-ng/issues (albeit it does look like the daemon is having trouble starting up, which can be related to Rusty Kaspa daemon itself).

This looks environmental or state/PC related as people are running KNG on Windows without encountering such issues.

Regardless, I have the following questions and suggestions: 1) Does the machine have enough free disk space? 2) Does switching network type have any effect? (mainnet vs testnet-11) 3) What does the Log tab show when this occurs? (Under certain circumstances, the p2p node can start re-indexing the database on startup. This can take a few minutes on regular machines. However, when this occurs, logs should state that the node is re-indexing data. If this is the case, one should wait for the re-indexing to complete.) 4) Can you please exit Kaspa NG and run the node manually from the command line. You can do this by downloading the latest release from https://github.com/kaspanet/rusty-kaspa/releases and running it as kaspad --utxoindex.

Only after you check 3) and try 4) (as running the node manually can present additional clues), can you please go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\ and rename rusty-kaspa folder to rusty-kaspa-01 (or you can also delete it). (This will help in case there has been any type of data corruption. This does not occur under normal circumstances but you never know - desktop PCs can exhibit various strange behaviors.)

You should join Kaspa Discord#help-kaspa-ng channel and ask the questions there (there are more people and it is faster to get feedback/ideas in relation to any problems).

LMK if anything I just described helps or has any effect.

Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

It says it is resyncing the utxo index in the logs (put a screenshot for 3) I will let that cook for awhile and see what happens because 1. definitely enough free space 2. testnet 11 works. 3. image

  1. I will try if the utxo sync doesn't work after like 24 to 48 hours ( probably around 26ish because I will be needing to use my computer around that time and for what I need to use it for having the wallet run might impact performance)
Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

will update when or if something happens (after I try running it manually from command line first if the utxo sync doesn't happen)

Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

Well it's working now (i waited almost an hour for it last night and nothing happened) so I guess it just needed to resync thank you for your time and the assistance have a wonderful day!

aspect commented 1 month ago

@Jinxsyns Can you please give me your machine spec (CPU kind, RAM amount, Storage kind)

Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

it fixed itself I just had to wait for the utxo sync to finish (it just took an unusually long time yesterday) The problem is solved thank you!

aspect commented 1 month ago

I am just curious about your setup - the time it takes is proportional to the computer performance. Like I have a powerful dev machine and it usually takes max 5 min.

We need to add a status in the status bar so that instead of "Starting" it says "Re-indexing". to make this less confusing. Something I overlook as I am "used to this". There is a bit of chicken and the egg problem as the node doesn't connect until it's done re-indexing so this is one condition where the status can't be easily updated... need to think how to handle this internally..

Jinxsyns commented 1 month ago

Oh a 7950x 64gigs and a gen 3 nvme ssd i believe if not gen 4

On Mon, May 27, 2024, 6:01 AM aspect @.***> wrote:

I am just curious about your setup - the time it takes is proportional to the computer performance. Like I have a powerful dev machine and it usually takes max 5 min.

We need to add a status in the status bar so that instead of "Starting" it says "Re-indexing". to make this less confusing. Something I overlook as I am "used to this". There is a bit of chicken and the egg problem as the node doesn't connect until it's done re-indexing so this is one condition where the status can't be easily updated... need to think how to handle this internally..

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aspect commented 1 month ago

Ok, that's a powerful machine. Thanks for the info. I'll see how the UX can be improved for this.