kasper / phoenix

A lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript
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Create/remove Spaces? #280

Open anijatsu opened 3 years ago

anijatsu commented 3 years ago
kasper commented 3 years ago

@anijatsu Hey! Unfortunately Apple does not provide an API for this. In fact, all the Spaces functionalities are not officially supported by Apple and use private internal APIs.

anijatsu commented 3 years ago

Raised a suggestion via Apple's Feedback Manager for a new public API to become accessible. ID is FB9319058, in case anyone would want to follow in my steps.

kasper commented 2 years ago

Hi! There’s some hints around the internet about CGSCreateSpace/CGSTransactionCreateSpace/SLSTransactionCreateSpace and the same for destroy in the private APIs, but they don’t seem to be available to link when building.

kaatt commented 2 years ago

@kasper CGSSpaceCreate works, even in macOS 12.2. requires a dock restart to show up (killall Dock)

CGSSpaceCreate(CGSDefaultConnection(), 0, [
  "type": 0, // 0 is CGSSpaceTypeUser (https://github.com/NUIKit/CGSInternal/blob/master/CGSSpace.h)
  "uuid": UUID().uuidString as CFString,
] as CFDictionary)

other usage on GH:

https://github.com/avaidyam/Parrot/blob/6cf7ba419176c386ed8f18e838690a7272fe57ee/MochaUI/CGSSpace.swift (swift) https://github.com/avaidyam/DIYAnimation/blob/8d9c6713379ecabcd09e64c7cd74d631c530a685/DIYAnimation/Framework/Render%20API/RenderDisplay.swift https://github.com/jonas-mika/dotfiles/blob/477e7e0fb46b499cc03af06fcaf898adf08d97ca/.hammerspoon/hs/_asm/undocumented/spaces/internal.m https://github.com/a-soll/mac_window/blob/c4f578ecb3e7e5e84077171c12898e162d9251c5/source/space.c

kasper commented 2 years ago

@kaatt Hah, I was trying with the wrong order in the function name. Thanks! Obviously killing the Dock is not really something that Phoenix should do.

kaatt commented 2 years ago

there may be an undiscovered/entitlement-gated function that makes the space show without killing dock. maybe you can expose an api to kill dock so its up to the user