kasper / phoenix

A lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript
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Moving windows behind the notched screen #288

Open possan opened 2 years ago

possan commented 2 years ago

I just upgraded my machine and noticed that i when i try to move a window to 0,0 it's moved just below the menu bar and notch, is there any hacks to move a window outside that?

var w = Window.focused()
var scr = w.screen() // will return y=32 and height lowered by 32
var fr = scr.frame()
fr.x = 0;
fr.y = 0;
w.setFrame(fr) // does not seem to respect 0,0
kasper commented 2 years ago

@possan I think this is Apple being clever with the notch. 😅 I will need to investigate.

possan commented 2 years ago

That's my suspicion too, as always with almoste every os/hardware refresh, new inventions that just turns into annoyances :) don't spend too much time on it though, it's a minor issue