kasper / phoenix

A lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript
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Key doesn't work: delete + ctrl + alt + cmd #313

Closed melgu closed 2 years ago

melgu commented 2 years ago

The following Key combination doesn't work:

Key.on('delete', ['ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd'], function () {
    let icon = App.get("Finder").icon()
    alert("Test", icon, 1)

If I switch out or remove any of the keys, it works again, but this specific combination doesn't. I have not setup any custom shortcuts in the system settings.

jasonm23 commented 2 years ago

Can you verify that the keyboard event is recognized by Macos? Some keyboards have issues with certain 4 key combinations.

Karabiner Elements has a good event viewer app included.

brew install karabiner-elements

See: https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/

melgu commented 2 years ago

It seems to be recognized correctly:

  "type": "down",
  "name": {"key_code":"delete_or_backspace"},
  "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)",
  "usage": "42 (0x002a)",
  "misc": "flags left_command,left_control,left_option"
Full event log ``` [ { "type": "down", "name": {"key_code":"left_option"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "226 (0x00e2)", "misc": "flags left_option" }, { "type": "down", "name": {"key_code":"left_command"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "227 (0x00e3)", "misc": "flags left_command,left_option" }, { "type": "down", "name": {"key_code":"left_control"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "224 (0x00e0)", "misc": "flags left_command,left_control,left_option" }, { "type": "down", "name": {"key_code":"delete_or_backspace"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "42 (0x002a)", "misc": "flags left_command,left_control,left_option" }, { "type": "up", "name": {"key_code":"delete_or_backspace"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "42 (0x002a)", "misc": "flags left_command,left_control,left_option" }, { "type": "up", "name": {"key_code":"left_option"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "226 (0x00e2)", "misc": "flags left_command,left_control" }, { "type": "up", "name": {"key_code":"left_command"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "227 (0x00e3)", "misc": "flags left_control" }, { "type": "up", "name": {"key_code":"left_control"}, "usagePage": "7 (0x0007)", "usage": "224 (0x00e0)", "misc": "" } ] ```
kasper commented 2 years ago

@melgu Hey! Can you check from the logs for any warnings/errors? It might be that some other app might have this combination reserved or you cannot have a reserved hot key for this set of keys.

melgu commented 2 years ago

When I press the key combination in question, no new events appear in the logs.

Here is the full log, starting from hitting Reload in the menu bar:

>>> log stream --process Phoenix
Filtering the log data using "process BEGINSWITH[cd] "Phoenix""
Timestamp                       Thread     Type        Activity             PID    TTL
2022-09-19 11:11:36.294469+0200 0x23d3     Activity    0x1b46a              1316   0    Phoenix: (AppKit) perform action for menu item
2022-09-19 11:11:36.294562+0200 0x23d3     Activity    0x1b46b              1316   0    Phoenix: (AppKit) sendAction:
2022-09-19 11:11:36.350356+0200 0x23d3     Default     0x1b46b              1316   0    Phoenix: Context loaded.

I hit the key combination three times, but nothing appeared.

kasper commented 2 years ago

@melgu Hey! Hot keys are registered for example during the config load. Could you search for Error: Could not install key event handler.?

melgu commented 2 years ago

Those three events in my comment above are the only events that happen when I hit Reload.

When I completely restart the Phoenix application, the log looks like this:

Log ``` Timestamp Thread Type Activity PID TTL 2022-09-19 13:19:15.426957+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a980 18135 0 Phoenix: (libsystem_info.dylib) Retrieve User by ID 2022-09-19 13:19:15.434541+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a981 18135 0 Phoenix: (TCC) TCCAccessRequest() IPC 2022-09-19 13:19:15.481900+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (LaunchServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] CHECKIN: pid=18135 2022-09-19 13:19:15.486986+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (LaunchServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] CHECKEDIN: pid=18135 asn=0x0-0x111111 foreground=0 2022-09-19 13:19:15.487533+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (HIServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] FRONTLOGGING: version 1 2022-09-19 13:19:15.487548+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (HIServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] Registered, pid=18135 ASN=0x0,0x111111 2022-09-19 13:19:15.488281+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (HIServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] BringForward: pid=18135 asn=0x0-0x111111 bringForward=0 foreground=0 uiElement=1 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0 2022-09-19 13:19:15.488299+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (HIServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] BringFrontModifier: pid=18135 asn=0x0-0x111111 Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0 2022-09-19 13:19:15.488612+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:Appearance] Current system appearance, (HLTB: 1), (SLS: 0) 2022-09-19 13:19:15.489263+0200 0x2cb0a Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (CoreAnalytics) [com.apple.CoreAnalytics:client] Received configuration update from daemon (initial) 2022-09-19 13:19:15.490466+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (libMobileGestalt.dylib) No persisted cache on this platform. 2022-09-19 13:19:15.491782+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:Appearance] Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 1) 2022-09-19 13:19:15.506723+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (XCTTargetBootstrap) [com.apple.dt.xctest:Default] Registering for test daemon availability notify post. 2022-09-19 13:19:15.506836+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (XCTTargetBootstrap) [com.apple.dt.xctest:Default] notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready. 2022-09-19 13:19:15.506938+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (XCTTargetBootstrap) [com.apple.dt.xctest:Default] notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready. 2022-09-19 13:19:15.507012+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (XCTTargetBootstrap) [com.apple.dt.xctest:Default] notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready. 2022-09-19 13:19:15.508100+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a982 18135 0 Phoenix: (CoreFoundation) Loading Preferences From User CFPrefsD 2022-09-19 13:19:15.509079+0200 0x2cb08 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:WizardLizard] Recieved DFR status change 0. status = 0x1 2022-09-19 13:19:15.509478+0200 0x2cb08 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:WizardLizard] Recieved DFR status change 1. status = 0x1 2022-09-19 13:19:15.509649+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (HIServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] SignalReady: pid=18135 asn=0x0-0x111111 2022-09-19 13:19:15.510004+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (LaunchServices) [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] SIGNAL: pid=18135 asn=0x0x-0x111111 2022-09-19 13:19:15.511423+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a983 18135 0 Phoenix: (CoreFoundation) Loading Preferences From System CFPrefsD 2022-09-19 13:19:15.513070+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a984 18135 0 Phoenix: (libsystem_info.dylib) Membership API: translate identifier 2022-09-19 13:19:15.517952+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:WizardLizard] Reacting to DFR status change 0. status = 0x1 2022-09-19 13:19:15.519530+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:Appearance] NSApp cache appearance: -NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0 -appearance: (null) -effectiveAppearance: ", "" )> 2022-09-19 13:19:15.523886+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:General] Shortcuts Contextual Actions enabled 2022-09-19 13:19:15.524649+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: (AppKit) [com.apple.AppKit:WizardLizard] Reacting to DFR status change 1. status = 0x1 2022-09-19 13:19:15.525125+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a985 18135 0 Phoenix: (SharedFileList) #SFLAPI LSSharedFileListCreate 2022-09-19 13:19:15.525163+0200 0x2cb08 Activity 0x6a986 18135 0 Phoenix: (SharedFileList) #SFLAPI LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot 2022-09-19 13:19:15.526120+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a987 18135 0 Phoenix: (TCC) TCCAccessRequest() IPC 2022-09-19 13:19:15.602936+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a988 18135 0 Phoenix: (CoreFoundation) Loading Preferences From User CFPrefsD 2022-09-19 13:19:15.613794+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Context loaded. 2022-09-19 13:19:16.546993+0200 0x2cb04 Activity 0x6a989 18135 0 Phoenix: (TCC) TCCAccessRequest() IPC 2022-09-19 13:19:16.698797+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699012+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699144+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699249+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699349+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699449+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699579+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=488}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.699881+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700052+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700233+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700412+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700572+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700741+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:16.700949+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=574}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.136184+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.136461+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.136638+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.136912+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.137126+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.137340+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.137540+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=625}. (-25208) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.218848+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.219226+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.219374+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.219499+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.219623+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.219754+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=628}. (-25207) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.552077+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.552309+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.552476+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.552647+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.553003+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.553317+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.553642+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=682}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.624997+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.625444+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.625764+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.626007+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.626235+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.626434+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.626714+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=698}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.774560+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.774986+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.775393+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.775792+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.776146+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.776491+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:17.776870+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=717}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.202606+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.203061+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.203426+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.203750+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.204084+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.204431+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.204792+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=346}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.252849+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253048+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253204+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253350+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253485+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253639+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253815+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=1181}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.253954+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254085+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254211+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254333+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254452+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254571+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254690+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=1223}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254811+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.254937+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.255058+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.255181+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.255304+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.255427+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.255550+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=1228}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.889911+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890038+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890140+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890223+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890307+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890387+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.890467+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=1328}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910374+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910444+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910507+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910570+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910657+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910721+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910780+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=497}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910839+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910896+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.910952+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.911011+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.911070+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.911125+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:18.911182+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=709}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.408597+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.408848+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.409026+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.409214+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.409395+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.409591+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:19.409793+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=5795}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.042328+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowCreated” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.042567+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXUIElementDestroyed” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.042751+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXFocusedWindowChanged” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.042951+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMoved” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.043144+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowResized” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.043326+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowMiniaturized” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) 2022-09-19 13:19:20.043486+0200 0x2cb04 Default 0x0 18135 0 Phoenix: Info: Could not add notification “AXWindowDeminiaturized” for element {pid=15180}. (-25204) ```
kasper commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks! I tried the same key combination locally and it seems to work. So the only thing possibly happening is that some other application is reserving the same key combination. Only one app can have the combination reserved at a time and it’s reserved to the first app requesting it. I don’t know if there’s a more eloquent solution to test this out except for shutting down apps one at a time to figure out which one is it.

melgu commented 2 years ago

It happens on two different devices of mine, so I thought it was Phoenix-related. I‘ll keep trying on my own and close the issues for now. Thanks for your help 😊

kasper commented 2 years ago

Actually, looks like this key combination works up until macOS Big Sur (11), but not on macOS Monterey (12). So I presume the OS is reserving it for something?

melgu commented 2 years ago

Ah, good to know! That explains it.