kasper / phoenix

A lightweight macOS window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript
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Support for assigning the Hyper key #323

Open fabiospampinato opened 1 year ago

fabiospampinato commented 1 year ago

It's probably too out of scope, but, I was thinking that probably a good chunk of people using Phoenix also have mapped the caps lock key, or some other key, as their hyper key.

The annoyance is that in order to do that one needs another app, Karabiner, Hyperkey, BTT etc.

It'd be a nice bit of convenience if one didn't need an external app, and the hyper key could be set right within Phoenix, somehow.

Perhaps this could be part of a more general key remapping feature, like somebody asked for an API for emitting keystrokes, and we already have APIs for listening to keystrokes, combining the two would give us the ability of defining an hyper key, presumably (though the caps lock key may not be interceptable by Phoenix?).

kasper commented 1 year ago

I’m still debating on how much scope I want to add to Phoenix. 🤔 Remapping currently feels out of scope to me, but emitting and listening to key events might be a valuable add.

rcarmo commented 1 year ago

I'd love to see hyper key support - I've grown used to re-using Caps Lock as an extra modifier on Linux and Windows, but it's awkward to have to use another app for it.