kasperisager / vanilla-api

Extensible RESTful API shim for Vanilla that operates in JSON or XML with support for JSONP and CORS
MIT License
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Not able to access /api #74

Closed pn279j closed 7 years ago

pn279j commented 8 years ago

I installed vanilla forums in my Windows machine. I am using wamp server with php v 5.4. I installed vanilla-api as an application and renamed it api . I am not able to access the API using /api endpoint. Any idea what might be the issue?

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

There's nothing to be found at the API root. You can find a list of available endpoints here: https://github.com/kasperisager/vanilla-api/wiki/Endpoints

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Thanks Kasper! I was able to access the endpoints now! But while creating a user(/api/users), I am getting an error ""You must select at least one role."" . My request seems to be ok. I am giving role id as 8 so that the user can be created with "Member" role { "Name": "ae_test", "Email": "ae_test@att.com", "Password": "password123", "RoleID": 8 }

Any idea why this is happening?

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

No problem! As can be seen in the endpoint docs, RoleID should be an array: https://github.com/kasperisager/vanilla-api/wiki/Endpoints#create-a-new-user

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Got it! It gives me this error now: { "Code": 400, "Exception": "Could not instantiate mail function." }

I dont want to set up an email functionality to notify the user. It just want the user to be created silently.

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

Vanilla will try sending a mail regardless, and if no external mail provider is configured it will attempt using a built-in; in your case it seems there's none.

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Hi Kasper! We have been able to make all of the features work with your api. Very impressive work. However, we were wondering if "liking" a comment or discussion is supported in your API. Thanks in advance!

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Also, can we extend the API to upload images/videos for comments/discussions?

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

"Liking" as in YAGA? Either way, you can absolutely extend the API with mappings for any controller methods: https://github.com/kasperisager/vanilla-api/wiki/Extending

The API currently only supports JSON bodies, so controller methods that require form data (like uploads) however aren't supported.

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Thanks Kasper. I am trying to update a discussion by calling PUT on /discussions/{id} and it is coming back with a 400 Bad Requuest. Here is my request: { "CountViews": "14" }

I am sending application/json in the headers and also sending the token as part of authentication. URL: {{domain}}/api/discussions/36?username={{username}}&timestamp={{timestamp}}&token={{token}}

Any idea why this is happening? i want to increment the number of views of a discussion everytime it is clicked, hence the reason for updating the discussion.

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

You can only specify the parameters outlined in the documentation: https://github.com/kasperisager/vanilla-api/wiki/Endpoints#update-a-discussion

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I have another question. I am trying to get a user by its id using GET /api/users/{id} and it comes back with User not found. I am very sure that the id I am passing in the parameter is a valid user id. Any idea why this is happening? Error in the response: {"Code":404,"Exception":"User not found.","Class":"Gdn_UserException"}

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

How does the entire request look?

pn279j commented 8 years ago

Here is the curl: curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: a218dc51-5544-c720-3179-1734696b4fba" "our server name/vanilla/api/users/2"

User id 2 exists because i was able to get it as part of /users call. Below is the snippet from /users response: { "UserID": "2", "Name": "vanilla-admin", "Photo": null, "Title": null, "Location": null, "About": null, "Email": "***", "ShowEmail": "0", "Gender": "u", "CountVisits": "6", "CountInvitations": "0", "CountNotifications": "0", "InviteUserID": null, "DiscoveryText": null, "Preferences": { "ShowAllCategories": true }, "DateSetInvitations": null, "DateOfBirth": "1975-09-16 00:00:00", "DateFirstVisit": "2016-06-09 19:03:00", "DateLastActive": "2016-06-24 19:09:31", "LastIPAddress": "", "AllIPAddresses": ",,,,,,", "DateInserted": "2016-06-09 19:03:00", "InsertIPAddress": "", "DateUpdated": "2016-06-09 19:03:00", "UpdateIPAddress": null,

kasperisager commented 8 years ago

Nothing odd going on... Have you tried making the request authenticated?

pn279j commented 8 years ago

The documentation says that the authentication is optional. I don't know the username of the user, so I cannot provide the authentication in the format: username=***&timestamp=1466959407&token=db5292bfe31e6e4ccb04dd1a9951c8cecdfee832691a9833f23be4a6b5061643 In fact, I want to use this api to get the username by the user id : ) anyhow, I have a workaround through /users/summary API. I am getting all the users and looping through them to get the username for the matching user id. Thanks.

pn279j commented 8 years ago


while creating a new discussion, I am getting the following exception: {"Code":256,"Exception":"","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

Here is my request: { "Name": "New Post from postman", "Body": "Body for new post", "CategoryID": 3 }

any idea why this exception occurs? My request is authenticated. thanks in advance.

kasperisager commented 7 years ago

Are you still experiencing this issue and if so could you open up a new one? Thanks!