kasperpeulen / gist-generator

Create gists from the command line.
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Directory structure #5

Closed Sfshaza closed 9 years ago

Sfshaza commented 9 years ago

Some of the examples directories in the tutorial repo contain multiple examples. Also, it would be nice if there were a way to associate an example with a tutorial. What might be a good way to solve both problems?

Maybe a hierarchical directory structure like this:

                      top of repo
                   fetchdata  (name of tutorial)
    |                                   |
   example1                          example2

In this case, it would be preferable if the generator placed both names on the gist file, such as fetchdata/example1.

Another solution might be to use a flat directory structure:

                                top of repo
                |                                  |
    fetchdata_example1                     fetchdata_example2


kwalrath commented 9 years ago

The first solution might be cleanest, as long as you can generate the name using the directory structure. E.g.:

It'd be nice to be able to have an arbitrarily deep directory structure.

kasperpeulen commented 9 years ago

@Sfshaza @kwalrath Can I find anywhere this tutorial repo, so that I can test that repo against my executable ?

here the directories seem all kind of flat ?

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

@Sfshaza is working on gist-ifying the tutorial samples. Maybe she can upload her work-in-progress.

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

Which reminds me, I have a bunch of samples under https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-up-and-running-book/tree/master/code, which I need to reorganize to work with DartPad. But ch02, in particular, has a mixed-depth hierarchy. (It's not ready for the generator yet, though, and might end up all one depth... depending.)

kasperpeulen commented 9 years ago

Okay, this functionality is now in the master, I hope it doesn't break anything... @Sfshaza @kwalrath

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

We're trying it out. Thanks!

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

For at least one of my example apps (haven't tested others yet), gist generate works when you're above app's directory, but not when you're in the app's directory. Here's what I see:

$ gist generate
"assert" gist updated at https://gist.github.com/a0d6042d97b7e71347c2
"break_continue" gist updated at https://gist.github.com/7417291c1fd6c74b56be
"exceptions" gist updated at https://gist.github.com/bb5c060b6d9d050419c8
"for_loops" gist updated at https://gist.github.com/836a6f67f4ef7af349bc
flow (gist)$ cd assert
$ ls
pubspec.yaml    web/
$ gist generate
(seems to silently fail)

I'll continue to play with this to characterize the failure.

Sfshaza commented 9 years ago

I just tested this and it works, though I have another request.

My directory structure looks like this:


When I run the gist generator, I want to see the gists named like this:

streams/last_positive streams/simple_stream streams/throw_error

(read_file isn't converted to a gist because it uses dart:io.)

But the gists are named like this:

last_positive simple_stream throw_error

Can you modify to create a name that includes both directory names?

kasperpeulen commented 9 years ago

I can't reproduce this. For me the description is like you suggest. Not sure what is going on, are you using the latest version ? Could I otherwise maybe clone your repo, so I can check myself ? @Sfshaza

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

Actually, it works if you're in the directory above streams—it just doesn't work if you're in the streams directory.

Which might be OK, because if you're in the top directory (which might have a random name like dart-tutorial-samples-FOR-REAL), you certainly don't want its name prepended to all its examples.

But... What if you want to generate gists for just a subset of the directories? Say, you want to regenerate streams but not fetchdata. I suppose a workaround would be to temporarily move fetchdata to .fetchdata or to a .HIDE directory.

Can you think of a better flow?

To be clear, this problem has workarounds and doesn't need a fix urgently.

kwalrath commented 9 years ago

Interestingly, the name gets replaced each time you regenerate. This effectively makes generating from any subdirectory difficult, since you don't get consistent names in github.

A workaround would be to create completely explanatory (probably long and hierarchical) app directory names, and use just the filename without the directory path.

Another workaround might be to specify a prefix on the command line.

The -n command should show the name/description of the gist... that might help us catch the problem before generating the final gist.

Can you think of anything else that would help?

Shams's changes to streams are in the master github.com/dart-lang/dart-tutorials-samples repo, if you want to try for yourself.

kasperpeulen commented 9 years ago

I cloned that directory, the output is now like this:

$ gist generate streams
? Create a github token here:
Github Token: ********
"streams/last_positive" gist created at https://gist.github.com/3cc9c4cad6d7cb28e5c5
Gist url and dartpad url inserted in pubspec.yaml.
"streams/simple_stream" gist created at https://gist.github.com/dab53ed77ab0e2a47307
Gist url and dartpad url inserted in pubspec.yaml.
"streams/throw_error" gist created at https://gist.github.com/1245d936eaca16067a06
Gist url and dartpad url inserted in pubspec.yaml.
$ gist generate streams -n
streams/last_positive is dartpadable
streams/simple_stream is dartpadable
streams/throw_error is dartpadable
$ gist generate streams --test-gist
"streams/last_positive": dartpad for testing created at https://dartpad.dartlang.org/7bc83e032fb7739c9247
"streams/simple_stream": dartpad for testing created at https://dartpad.dartlang.org/542868ee96f0ae909934
"streams/throw_error": dartpad for testing created at https://dartpad.dartlang.org/515c47dbfdd6a09cfdd2
gist generate streams/ -n --verbose
streams/last_positive is dartpadable
Skipping streams/last_positive/web: App contains no web directory.
Skipping streams/read_file: App contains no web directory.
Skipping streams/read_file/bin: App contains no web directory.
streams/simple_stream is dartpadable
Skipping streams/simple_stream/web: App contains no web directory.
streams/throw_error is dartpadable
Skipping streams/throw_error/web: App contains no web directory.
kwalrath commented 9 years ago

That looks great. Thanks!!