kasperpeulen / mathedit

Simple MathJax editor with markdown support.
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Feature Req: MathJax inside style 'blocks' #2

Open benjamin-rood opened 8 years ago

benjamin-rood commented 8 years ago

Either enable MathJax support inside the current block types with an extra $ operator (e.g. $$$ instead of one or two?) such that:

$(0, + \infty ] = \{ x \in \Bbb R: x > 0 \} $


$$(0, + \infty ] = { x \in \Bbb R: x > 0 } $$

renders correctly.

Or, alternatively, create a new style of block which does. Because these preformatted styles are great for layout, and at the moment the best you can get away with is utf8 math symbols.

If you look at stackedit.io, for example, the code blocks are so useful for a certain type of information, even non-code.

benjamin-rood commented 8 years ago

Some suggestions, further to our discussion:


(copy the text below into Math Edit)

$${ (x,y)\in \Bbb R^2: x\in [-a,a],y\in [-b,b]}$$

$$(0, + \infty ] = \{ x \in \Bbb R: x > 0 \}$$

$$\mathrm{Lighter \ boxes \ are \ better.}$$ light-grey is too dark a field background, so I tried #eae9e6 instead... maybe even lighter than that is better?

hello $\to$ there $\mathbb{R}$ $$\mathrm{S} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{x} & \mathrm{a,b,c} \\ \mathrm{y} & \mathrm{z} \\ \end{bmatrix}$$
So, $\ \mathrm{sector_{11}} = \mathrm{\{x\}}$, $\ \mathrm{sector_{12}} = \mathrm{\{a,b,c\}}$, $\ \mathrm{sector_{21}} = \mathrm{\{y\}}$, $\ \mathrm{sector_{22}} = \mathrm{\{z\}}$

( $\ \mathrm{S_{\alpha \beta}}\ $ instead of $\ \mathrm{sector_{\alpha \beta}}\ $ ? )

This slghtly warm background colour is suits my tastes better. Warm = friendly and confident. This is now Source Code Pro, btw.

I personally think the bigger padding is so much easier to read, but that's me. The default body font is so perfect, Kasper. So clear and easy to read!

However, I would probably knock the page background down from the pure white that it is now to something like this.

StackEdit.io's style for comparison: $(0, + \infty ] = { x \in \Bbb R: x > 0 }$ hello $\to$ there $\mathbb{R}$ Source Code Pro is a much better monospaced font than the system-default (usually courier)