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Minimize Evernote requests #33

Closed kasperpihl closed 9 years ago

kasperpihl commented 9 years ago

Minimize on Evernote requests. We hit the limit to often (I'll get the limit highered) But in general we shouldn't sync everything everytime. Maybe utilize the number from Evernote so that we don't look for changes if that hasn't changed.

demosten commented 9 years ago

Experiments show that the current limit is 60 API requests per hour. They might have stated it somewhere but its another thing to find out by experimenting :8ball:

kasperpihl commented 9 years ago

Okay let's get those request minimized as much as possible. 60 is absolutely none, and no wonder we hit the limit.

demosten commented 9 years ago

I've decided that adding caching is a good start. We can also check those numbers but checks also count in API limits!

kasperpihl commented 9 years ago

I'm not to fund by of solution with caching - this gives some really bad user experiences. I've removed it and are using the Evernote updateCount instead + a check for local changes before

kasperpihl commented 9 years ago

At the moment if Evernote has an updateCount higher than expected, I'm reloading every task with Evernote.. I think an improvement to this would be to fetch the last notes updated since last Evernote update, then we can map these to local todos we have and only update the ones with changes. In that case we only use one fetch to get the notes changed from Evernote side