kaspiana / mage

A command-line tool for cataloguing images (particularly digital art), styled after Git.
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Document list arguments #45

Open kaspiana opened 2 months ago

kaspiana commented 2 months ago

Commands like mage doc should allow a new kind of argument: a document list. Rather than acting on one document, they will affect multiple documents at the same time.

These document lists can be drawn from views.

mage doc in/0 tag rose_lalonde # add tag to single document
mage doc in/* tag rose_lalonde # add tag to all documents in view

Or, supplied as a comma-separated list. (Investigate whether this is possible given our command parser.)

mage doc in/0,in/1,in/2 tag rose_lalonde

Or, supplied as a slice of a view. (This is the least necessary.)

mage doc in/0-9 tag rose_lalonde