Survey of New Lab Members to fill out on background knowledge. (EduGate will need this)
"Are you an UG, a Student in CS, etc"
Google Form-to-WebApp: Decision Tree to generate Learning Steps
Final Projects of DB: Contribution to OKWG with Cogan approval of final output
ToyBox example (tree): Identify a dataset from, census bureau (examples), generate schema + go through MoMO to materialize data to add to OKWG
Divided DB:
Rakesh: Python
Introduce Python as a language (G4G tutorials, W3Schools) and assume they are developers but not with Python
Act as it's 3000-level, not a 1000-level (language translation, but not "what is a function")
materialization rdf-lib
Jupyter Notebooks
Antrea x Brandon: KG Foundation
From rdf-lib to MoMO
template md folder
focus on a-to-z faster, no need to deviate
CS7810 Jupyters as Jupyter Notebooks
Alexis: Proposal
LaTex, Overleaf
Michael, Dennis - Project Proposal
End Goal:
1) Family Tree exercise: Add on to more families; create data as an actual family tree image for students to create .csv
Hosting of recordings: Pilot
Survey of New Lab Members to fill out on background knowledge. (EduGate will need this)
Google Form-to-WebApp: Decision Tree to generate Learning Steps Final Projects of DB: Contribution to OKWG with Cogan approval of final output
Divided DB:
Rakesh: Python
Antrea x Brandon: KG Foundation
Alexis: Proposal
End Goal: 1) Family Tree exercise: Add on to more families; create data as an actual family tree image for students to create
Create user
on Arsenal