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Add Ryan Savino as part of the committers team #379

Closed fidencio closed 5 months ago

fidencio commented 5 months ago

Folks, @ryansavino is an AMD contributor who's been involved with the Confidential Containers usage of Kata Containers, and is the main maintainer ofc the AMD CI.

Here you can see all the contributions coming from Ryan:

As setting up the CI machine, and making sure it works requires the committer access, the least we can do is adding the folks who have a proven history of contributing to the project to be gain such access.

stevenhorsman commented 5 months ago

+1 here. Thanks for the contributions so far Ryan!

jepio commented 5 months ago


gkurz commented 5 months ago


wainersm commented 5 months ago

+1. Thanks Ryan! And remember: with great powers... ... comes great opportunities to mess with CI! :D

sameo commented 5 months ago

+1. Welcome @ryansavino!

danmihai1 commented 5 months ago

+1, welcome to the team @ryansavino!

lifupan commented 5 months ago

+1, Welcome to join the kata team @ryansavino

BbolroC commented 5 months ago

+1, welcome to the team @ryansavino! 😉

fidencio commented 5 months ago

I've added @ryansavino to the commiters team, thanks!