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run katalon in docker windows 10 - beginner #6

Closed MichalUrban999 closed 6 years ago

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, I try to run in the catalon test suite collection in windows 10 in docker, but I do not know the syntax structure. Would anyone be willing to help me run the test in the docker?

Here is we generate commnad from katalon: katalon -noSplash -runMode = console -projectPath = "C: \ Users \ murban \ Katalon Studio \ AutomatTestCRM \ AutomatTestCRM_new.prj" -retry = 0 -testSuiteCollectionPath = "Test Suites / TestSuiteCollectionParallel / ParallelTest"

I have created in project folder: run_chrome.sh. What do I have to write into him?

I tried this, but it did not work :

docker run --rm -v //c/Users/murban/Katalon Studio\AutomatTestCRM/katalon:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/Users/murban/Katalon Studio\AutomatTestCRM/reports/chrome:/katalon/katalon/report -e 'KATALON_OPTS=-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath="Test Suites/TestSuiteCollectionParallel/ParallelTest"' katalonstudio/katalon

Thank you very much for your help.

jejey commented 6 years ago

have you watched and followed the steps in the video : https://www.katalon.com/videos/katalon-run-docker-container/ ? That might help you

devalex88 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience, @MichalUrban999. May I take a look at your console log?

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

Hi @jejey and @devalex88 i Watch video, this video is for Linux. I need to run in windows, there is different command. @devalex88, please where i take a look to console log? After command "run_chrome.sh" in command line is nothnig. I try to look to event viewer, there is nothing too.

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

C:\Users\murban\Katalon Studio\AutomatTestCRM>docker run --rm -v //c/Users/murban/Katalon Studio\AutomatTestCRM/katalon:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/Users/murban/Katalon Studio\AutomatTestCRM/reports/chrome:/katalon/katalon/report -e 'KATALON_OPTS=-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath="Test Suites/TestSuiteCollectionParallel/ParallelTest"' katalonstudio/katalon docker: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase. See 'docker run --help'.

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

Hi guyes the problem was in the folders where I had a space, then in the reverse slashes, now I can run but something does not seem to him yet

there is a console log:


C:\Users\murban\KatalonStudio\AutomatTestCRM>docker run --rm -v //c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/katalon:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/reports/chrome:/katalon/katalon/report -e katalon_opts="-browsertype="chrome" -retry=0 -statusdelay=15 -testsuitecollectionpath="testsuites/testsuitecollectionparallel/paralleltest"" katalonstudio/katalon Google Chrome 66.0.3359.139 Mozilla Firefox 59.0.2 Katalon Studio 5.4.1

devalex88 commented 6 years ago

Try docker run --rm -v //c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/katalon:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/reports/chrome:/katalon/katalon/report -e KATALON_OPTS='-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath="Test Suites/TestSuiteCollectionParallel/ParallelTest"' katalonstudio/katalon

You can use spaces in folder paths as long as they are put inside double quotes.

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

Hi, do you know why my docker does not want to take the "Test Suite"?

there is command what i want to run: docker run --rm -e KATALON_OPTS="-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath=""test suites/testsuitecollectionparallel/paralleltest""" -v /c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/reports:/katalon/katalon/report katalonstudio/katalon

there is result from command line: docker : Unable to find image 'suites/testsuitecollectionparallel/paralleltest:latest' locally At line:1 char:1

C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded whi le awaiting headers). See 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.

When I try to remove a space in the "Test Suite" path to "TestSuite" the docker gets farther, but then it fades into error:

Google Chrome 67.0.3396.62 Mozilla Firefox 60.0.1 Katalon Studio 5.4.2 Starting Katalon Studio docker : + echo 'Starting Katalon Studio' At line:1 char:1

++ pwd

Have you please any tips to fix this?

MichalUrban999 commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, I managed to run catalon in the docker, the final command is:

docker run --rm -e KATALON_OPTS="-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test\ Suites/TestSuiteCollectionParallel/ParallelTest" -v/c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/users/murban/katalonstudio/automattestcrm/reports:/katalon/katalon/report katalonstudio/katalon

Thank you all for your help, perhaps it will help someone.

nadim1975 commented 5 years ago

@MichalUrban999 Hi Michal , I have similar issue and following your steps in changing Katalon docker command

docker run --rm -e KATALON_OPTS="-browserType="Chrome" -executionProfile="QA" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=Test\ Suites/UI/Regression" -v/c/Users/nhussein/"Katalon Studio"/GPORTAL:/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v /c/Users/nhussein/"Katalon Studio"/GPORTAL/reports:/katalon/katalon/report katalonstudio/katalon When I run the command I get below output in Docker and no log is showing ... can you plz help

jafjdev commented 5 years ago

@nadim1975 did you solve that error? i have the same issue.