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[New Feature] Problem Details for HTTP APIs #1335

Closed kataras closed 5 years ago

kataras commented 5 years ago

Based on:

  1. RFC https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807
  2. Best implementation of this RFC is done by a Java library, https://github.com/zalando/problem. I will (try to) port all features. Go has no decent library for this, neither any web framework based on Go. Iris will be the first on this too.

For the upcoming Iris v11.2.5

kataras commented 5 years ago

Done with: https://github.com/kataras/iris/pull/1336

Dexus commented 5 years ago

Hi @kataras should this not also return the http header for the status?

kataras commented 5 years ago

@Dexus I did that on the initial implementation but then I re-written and forgot to send the status code, you are right, it's done now.

Dexus commented 5 years ago

@kataras thanks.

Problem type definitions MAY specify the use of the Retry-After response header ([RFC7231], Section 7.1.3) in appropriate circumstances.

Can you also add this, too? Like: NewProblem().Retry(timeSeconds)

kataras commented 5 years ago

I would love, although the java implementation (the most complete we know) missing that as I could see, but don't forget you can always add a PR, your notes are quite helpful!

The Problem type is map[string]interface{}, we can't save properties inside there, the Retry-After is a response header and should be defined somewhere else, I am thinking two ways:

  1. provide options on the ctx.Problem(problem, ..here)
  2. make a temp key on problem map, set the header based on that key-value and remove it on execution so it doesn't send to client(the status should be sent to client but retry-after no)
Dexus commented 5 years ago

Option 1 would be another braking change. Currently only context.JSON{} is accepted as option.

Option 2 would be my favorite, because we can use a key that violates the RFC. Otherwise only alphanumeric and "_" are allowed.

If such additional members are defined, their names SHOULD start with a letter (ALPHA, as per [RFC5234], Appendix B.1) and SHOULD consist of characters from ALPHA, DIGIT ([RFC5234], Appendix B.1), and "_" (so that it can be serialized in formats other than JSON), and they SHOULD be three characters or longer.

I could imagine myself using a key like "::OPT::" internally. Even if it wouldn't be ideal for performance, because of the special characters.

... but don't forget you can always add a PR, your notes are quite helpful!

Thanks, after my holiday I will gladly submit a PR for possible improvements/ideas.

kataras commented 5 years ago

The first implementation on setting them on the map itself, looks like this:

const (
    problemTempKeyPrefix = "@temp_"
    retryAfterHeaderKey  = "Retry-After"

// No need, let's remove them on receive, once.
// func (p Problem) removeTempProperties() {
//  for k, v := range p {
//      if strings.HasPrefix(k, problemTempKeyPrefix) {
//          delete(p, k)
//          continue
//      }
//      if k == "cause" {
//          if causeP, ok := v.(Problem); ok {
//              causeP.removeTempProperties()
//          }
//      }
//  }
// }

// TempKey sets a temporary key-value pair, which is being removed
// on the its first get.
func (p Problem) TempKey(key string, value interface{}) Problem {
    return p.Key(problemTempKeyPrefix+key, value)

func (p Problem) getTempKey(key string) interface{} {
    key = problemTempKeyPrefix + key
    v, ok := p[key]
    if ok {
        delete(p, key)
        return v

    return nil

func parseRetryAfter(value interface{}, timeLayout string) string {
    // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.3
    // Retry-After = HTTP-date / delay-seconds
    switch v := value.(type) {
    case time.Time:
        return v.Format(timeLayout)
    case int64:
        return strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
    case string:
        dur, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
        if err != nil {
            t, err := time.Parse(timeLayout, v)
            if err != nil {
                return ""

            return parseRetryAfter(t, timeLayout)

        return parseRetryAfter(parseDurationToSeconds(dur), timeLayout)

    return ""

func (p Problem) getRetryAfter(timeLayout string) string {
    value := p.getTempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey)
    if value == nil {
        return ""

    return parseRetryAfter(value, timeLayout)

func parseDurationToSeconds(dur time.Duration) int64 {
    return int64(math.Round(dur.Seconds()))

// RetryAfter sets a temp key to be set on Retry-After response header.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.3
// The value can be one of those:
// time.Time
// time.Duration for seconds
// int64, int, float64 for seconds
// string for duration string or for datetime string.
func (p Problem) RetryAfter(dateOrDurationOrIntSecondsOrString interface{}) Problem {
    switch v := dateOrDurationOrIntSecondsOrString.(type) {
    case time.Time:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, v)
    case time.Duration:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, parseDurationToSeconds(v))
    case int64:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, v)
    case int:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, int64(v))
    case float64:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, int64(math.Round(v)))
    case string:
        return p.TempKey(retryAfterHeaderKey, v)
        // panic?

    return p

And context gets the retry header and set it.

However, with this implementation we have an issue of a Problem re-use, the caller should re-set the RetryAfter this is probably OK for that header as it needs to be relative to the execution time and not the type creation, let's hear your thoughts first before I push it later on.

Dexus commented 5 years ago

Looks good so far.

In the function func (p Problem) RetryAfter I would set 5 minutes as default, this is usually a sufficient value. At least in the APIs we use and offer here.

That the func (p Problem) RetryAfter has to be re-set with every delivery is okay. Alternatively, there would be an option to add whether this should be permanent - which would only have a real added value if seconds were specified - but on the other hand would not be solved with a Temporary Key.

I'm having a hard time to look deeper and understand the code with my mobile phone in hand at the moment.


Think this should also be a loop over the p["cause"] of every child. Because it's multi-level.

kataras commented 5 years ago

but on the other hand would not be solved with a Temporary Key.

Then we will have to clone the Problem, remove this key, and push it as JSON so the caller's Problem don't change, this will have a performance cost (cloning the map).

Think this should also be a loop over the p["cause"] of every child. Because it's multi-level.

What do you mean? to check for a valid retry-after to all children or take the maximum or add all of them?

That's why I think to make it as Options, currently it accepts JSON options but we can wrap to a new ProblemOptions for things like that, meanwhile the end-dev can set the ctx.Header("Retry-After", value).

kataras commented 5 years ago


I made it with options, even if we have a 2-days breaking change, the fix is easy just pass the prev JSON on the ProblemOptions.JSON field. It's far better and can be re-used by end-dev and on the future for more options. No default values there except the json indentation to " ".

    ctx.Problem(newProductProblem("product name", "problem details"), iris.ProblemOptions{
        // Optional JSON renderer settings.
        JSON: iris.JSON{
            Indent: "  ",
        // Can accept:
        // time.Time for HTTP-Date,
        // time.Duration, int64, float64, int for seconds
        // or string for date or duration.
        // Examples:
        // time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
        // 300 * time.Second,
        // "5m",
        RetryAfter: 300,
        // A function that, if specified, can dynamically set
        // retry-after based on the request. Useful for ProblemOptions reusability.
        // Overrides the RetryAfter field.
        // RetryAfterFunc: func(iris.Context) interface{} { [...]}

The Problem type itself still has TempKey to set a temp key and GetTempKey to retrieve and delete it for anyone who may need it.

Dexus commented 5 years ago


https://github.com/kataras/iris/blob/master/context/problem.go#L80 Think this should also be a loop over the p["cause"] of every child. Because it's multi-level.

What do you mean? to check for a valid retry-after to all children or take the maximum or add all of them?

~That a problem can be a cause problem cause problem cause cause problem, i.e. multi level problems. Which not only have 2 levels.~ It's okay, it's calling recusive. I was wrong yesterday on my reading.

but on the other hand would not be solved with a Temporary Key.

Then we will have to clone the Problem, remove this key, and push it as JSON so the caller's Problem don't change, this will have a performance cost (cloning the map).

Otherwise, I agree with you, is fair enough, for 2 days, to use the new options. So it has less impact on performance.

kataras commented 5 years ago

Yes, I think it's better that way @Dexus. Happy holidays man, you are quite lucky :)