kataras / neffos

A modern, fast and scalable websocket framework with elegant API written in Go
MIT License
572 stars 47 forks source link

Hello kataras, how does neffos send messages from one websocket server to another, just like the code #48

Closed ezewu closed 4 years ago

ezewu commented 4 years ago
    app := iris.Default()

    event := neffos.Namespaces{
        "web": neffos.Events{
            neffos.OnNamespaceConnected: func(nsConn *neffos.NSConn, msg neffos.Message) error {
                log.Printf("connected to namespace: %s", msg.Namespace)
                return nil
            neffos.OnNamespaceDisconnect: func(nsConn *neffos.NSConn, msg neffos.Message) error {
                log.Printf("disconnected from namespace: %s", msg.Namespace)
                return nil
            "msg": func(nsConn *neffos.NSConn, msg neffos.Message) error {
                return nil

    nativeEvents := neffos.Events{
        neffos.OnNativeMessage: func(c *neffos.NSConn, msg neffos.Message) error {
            log.Printf("Got: %s", string(msg.Body))
            //  ???  to  namespaces   web   msg
                       // Send a message from here to the web namespace msg event
            return nil

    ws := neffos.New(gorilla.Upgrader(gorillaWs.Upgrader{CheckOrigin: func(*http.Request) bool { return true }}), event)

    nativeWs := neffos.New(gorilla.Upgrader(gorillaWs.Upgrader{CheckOrigin: func(*http.Request) bool { return true }}), nativeEvents)

    app.Get("/websocket", websocket.Handler(ws))

    app.Get("/websocket-two", websocket.Handler(nativeWs))