Open katatreimann opened 1 month ago
When did I have a closed mindset this week, and why? I had a closed mindset, for example, when making a Career Development Plan. I've never liked making such plans, and I never noticed that it helped me. It’s such a broad topic, which takes too much time. It makes me nervous because I can’t see how it would help me, and at the same time, I can’t do things that I feel would help me. Also, fatigue and overload definitely increase a closed mindset.
When did I have an open mindset this week, and why? I usually have an open mindset when I need to do something real, like building a website. Things where the results are immediately visible. Tasks where every small step gives instant satisfaction (because you can actually see it, and you realize you’re doing the right thing).
What have I learnt about myself, as a result? I’ve learned that I tend to struggle with tasks like the Career Development Plan because they feel too broad and overwhelming. When tasks don’t offer immediate feedback or results, I find it hard to stay motivated and see the value in them.
What will I do differently next time? Next time, I’ll focus on tasks that give me immediate, visible results, because they help me feel like I’m making progress. I’ll also try to break down big plans into smaller, manageable steps, so they don’t feel so overwhelming. And if I feel tired or overloaded, I’ll give myself the space to rest, so I can maintain an open mindset and stay more focused.
Coursework content
Watch The power of believing that you can improve | Carol Dweck | TED and Neuroplasticity. Write your reflections on why it is important to have a growth mindset as a developer and how a growth mindset will positively impact you in your career in the long term. Try to answer the following questions:
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
This assignment supports developing a growth mindset while learning new skills and facing barriers.
How to submit
Write in your cohort's Slack channel what actions you will take in order to overcome your barriers to participating in live coding and write a supportive message to one of your peers who have shared their barriers in the channel. Share the screenshot of your post on your ticket.