For the Upsell campaign, we need a list of customers who own multiple AMI DevX Tools. This list came from the Tableau product recommender and shows customers who own Code Pipeline plus Code Debug and Total Test. Also will need to filter on customers who own Workbench for VS Code and Eclipse.
[ ] Check out the product recommendation engine to select criteria available
[ ] submit request to filter other AMI DevX Customers who have Workbench (VS Code / Eclipse) and Code Insights
[ ] build pivot tables to sort companies by region and work with PAMs to see if we can message to them
For the Upsell campaign, we need a list of customers who own multiple AMI DevX Tools. This list came from the Tableau product recommender and shows customers who own Code Pipeline plus Code Debug and Total Test. Also will need to filter on customers who own Workbench for VS Code and Eclipse.