The only reason I wanted a traefik container was so it would manage TLS certs. But setting it up in front of the MX is a big pain. At this rate it's easier to run a bash script to get or renew TLS certs.
[x] Checkout this branch on host
[x] Rebuild the docker containers
[x] Check host firewall and ensures ports match docker compose
[x] Test receiving an email via telnet
[x] Test receiving an email via gmail
[x] Retrieve emails from IMAP
kfike@prod:~/sage$ python3 scripts/
MAILSERVER ERROR: Failed to connect via IMAP to the inbox of user kfike: Response status "OK" expected, but "NO" received. Data: [b'[PRIVACYREQUIRED] Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections.']
Fixed this error by using the development postfix/dovecot config script.
Forced head to 114-temporarily-disable-tls-to-get-first-email
(.venv) kfike@pop-os:~/Projects/sage$ git reset --hard 114-temporarily-disable-tls-to-get-first-email
HEAD is now at 549112b Cofigs for DOCKERIZED mx when it successfully received an email from gmail today :D
(.venv) kfike@pop-os:~/Projects/sage$ git push origin 116-create-a-traefik-container --force-with-lease
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
+ 3fa9b78...549112b 116-create-a-traefik-container -> 116-create-a-traefik-container (forced update)
The only reason I wanted a traefik container was so it would manage TLS certs. But setting it up in front of the MX is a big pain. At this rate it's easier to run a bash script to get or renew TLS certs.
Fixed this error by using the development postfix/dovecot config script.
Forced head to