katefike / sage

A personal finance app that's like Mint, but better. It uses a dockerized postfix/dovecot email server. Parses transaction data from alert emails.
MIT License
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Create a CI pipeline for merging into development #59

Closed katefike closed 1 year ago

katefike commented 1 year ago


Event 1: Before opening a pull request Event 2: Before merging a feature branch into the development branch Event 3: Before pushing to the development branch Workflow (same for all events): Job:

  1. Spin up a machine with Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) x64

    • Would this be a machine provisioned by Github or a Digital Ocean Droplet? A Github-hosted runner can be used.
  2. Install the following software:

    • Docker
    • Python3
  3. Install the Python dependencies in requirements.txt

  4. Start docker using the docker-compose.yml file

  5. Run pytest. Prevent the merge if test fail.

Github Actions

Figuring out how Github Actions work

  1. Do the quickstart tutorial https://docs.github.com/en/actions/quickstart
  2. Get pytest alone to work
  3. Get the runner to install and run docker image