katemihalikova / ion-datetime-picker

Date and/or time picker for awesome Ionic framework
MIT License
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get only time from ion-datetime-picker #122

Closed niyoma closed 6 years ago

niyoma commented 6 years ago

hi, i am using ion-datetime-picker for time . my code is :

{{storedetail.shopopeningtime| date: "H:mm"}} i am getting following value in resonse **Sun Dec 31 1899 11:00:00 GMT 0530 (India Standard Time)** I want only time field . please help me with it
katemihalikova commented 6 years ago

Hi, please make a codepen/jsfiddle/whatever so I can see it if you want me to help you with Javascript/AngularJS basics.

niyoma commented 6 years ago

@katemihalikova thanx for your reply. my problem got solved with getHours(),getMinutes() functions