Closed brambloemen closed 5 months ago
Hello Bram!
Thank you for the report! Could you please sharelog_phase
dir ?
Hi Bram,
It looks like you may re running an older version of strainy, based on theh output that you see.
I recommend either reinstalling the latest version from github into a fresh bioconda envinorment, or alternatively use the docker container. Before running on a larger dataset, you can verify that the toy example produces the expected output ( You can also try a larger dataset from the tutorial (
P.S. if you are updating a github repository via pull, make sure to run git submodule update --init
to update submodules. A failsafe method is to do a fresh clone into a new directory..
Hi @fenderglass @katerinakazantseva ,
My bad, it looks like I was indeed running an older version instead of the latest release. I will update and try rerunning the tool. Thank you
I was trying out strainy for phasing E coli MAGs from a metagenomic assembly (ONT R10 data). Specifically, I generated an initial Flye assembly from all reads of a complex metagenomics sample. I then extracted all reads aligning to contigs classified as E. coli.
Next, I used the following commands to generate a new assembly and run strainy on it:
flye --nano-hq {input.reads} --meta --no-alt-contigs --keep-haplotypes -i 0 --out-dir Ecoli/Flye Ecoli/ecolreads.fastq.gz -g Ecoli/Flye/assembly_graph.gfa -o out_strainy -m nano -t 10
Strainy ran succesfully, but in the out_strainy directory, i see none of these output files:
I do see these files/directories though: adj_M bam clusters flye_inputs flye_outputs graphs log_phase preprocessing_data root.log vcf
Do you know why I don't get the output files?