katesanders9 / multimodal-proofs

Code for multimodal neuro-symbolic proof generation for TV shows
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Prompts #5

Open katesanders9 opened 11 months ago

katesanders9 commented 11 months ago

Pass 1:

Entailment is defined as a directional relation between two text fragments, called text (t, the entailing text), and hypothesis (h, the entailed text), so that a human being, with common understanding of language and common background knowledge, can infer that h is most likely true on the basis of the content of t. Similarly, contradiction is a directional relation between two text fragments such that a human being can infer that h is most likely false on the basis of the content of t.

Write a set of 9 natural language inference (NLI) test hypotheses using this transcript as the context. 3 of the hypotheses should be ENTAILED by the transcript, while 3 should be directly CONTRADICTED, and the last 3 should be NEITHER directly entailed nor contradicted. Your output format is a serialized json item on a single line with the following format: {"ENTAILMENT": ["<hypothesis>", ...], "CONTRADICTION": ["<hypothesis>"...], "NEITHER": ["<hypothesis>",...]} and nothing else.



Pass 2:

Entailment is defined as a directional relation between two text fragments, called text (t, the entailing text), and hypothesis (h, the entailed text), so that a human being, with common understanding of language and common background knowledge, can infer that h is most likely true on the basis of the content of t. Similarly, contradiction is a directional relation between two text fragments such that a human being can infer that h is most likely false on the basis of the content of t.

Given the following text, identify which hypotheses are entailed by the text (E), which are contradicted by the text (C), and which are neither entailed or contradicted (N). Your output format is a serialized json item on a single line with the following format: {"<hypothesis>": "<E/C/N>", "<hypothesis>": "<E/C/N>", ...} and nothing else.


katesanders9 commented 11 months ago

Example transcripts:

Phoebe: Oh, okay. I didn't mean to put pressure on you I just thought it would be something fun for us to do together. But ok, that's ok.
Ross: Ok, stop, stop, Your right it's not that big a deal. I'll, I'll do the card.What? What I said I'd do it
Phoebe: I know, it's just, can I have $20?
Monica: Hi, you ready for lunch?
Chandler: One second.
Monica: That's cute
Doug: Bing! Ho! And the Bing-ette! I thought it a little hotter in the office today.
Chandler: Honey, you remember my boss Doug right?
Monica: Yes, hi.
Doug: Hi. So good news, the divorce is final. I signed the papers this A.M.
Chandler: I didn’t know you and Carol were getting divorced, I’m sorry.
Janine: I’m a what?
Sheldon: I’m not sure, it could go either way.
Leonard: Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey. Mrs. Davis.
Janine: Hey.
Leonard: Hey.
Janine: Dr. Hofstadter.
Leonard: Yeah. Just thought I’d come down and start getting ready for swimsuit season.
Janine: Good for you.
Leonard: Not that you need it. I bet you look great in a swimsuit.
Janine: Thank you.
Leonard: I’ve got what my father used to call furniture disease.
Leonard: My chest is falling into my drawers.
Leonard: I’m not, uh, familiar with this model.
Leonard: How do I make it start?
Janine: You push start.
Leonard: Right.
Kelly: It happens ... every time I have a feeling for anyone ... in my life. 
Kelly: I can't ... get mad. I can't be happy. 
Kelly: I can't feel anything without the whole world knowing. 
Kelly: I can't have a secret. 
Kelly: Can you imagine living that way you're entire life?
Ellis: Get away from me you insipid little man.
George: Dr. Grey calm down.
Ellis: Get out of here! Get out of my room now!
George: Dr. Grey calm down!
Ellis: Get away from my house!
George: Please!
Nurse: What can I do?
George: Calm down! Please get some haloperidol.
Ellis: Don't give me that look. 
Ellis: That sapful, little soulful puppy routine. 
Ellis: I know it by heart, Thatch! And I'm over it.
Ellis: I don't wanna hear about your day, your students, your pathetic little research grants.
Ellis: My ... my work is what counts!
Ellis: It's what pays for this house. It's pays for ... it pays for you! 
Ellis: And it pays for, it pays for Meredith! 
Ellis: And your precious lifestyle. 
Ellis: So why don't you just leave me alone and let me do it!!!! 
Ellis: Meredith make thinks she needs you but sure as hell don't.
George: Dr. Grey.
Nurse: Here it is.
Kelly: Are you okay?
BECKETT: Your client, Castle? Please don’t tell me you ambulance-chased this woman.
CASTLE: Beckett, that is an outrageous accusation. 
CASTLE: I, as a member of the writing community, merely went by her home to offer my condolences.
BECKETT: Mmm. And I suppose you told her that you’re a PI who just happens to have connections with the NYPD.
CASTLE: The topic may have come up. You look gorgeous, by the way.
BECKETT: Uh … we should go and talk to your client.
WENDY JOHNSON: We’d only been married eight months. I felt like I’d known him my entire life.
WENDY JOHNSON: Probably because I grew up just … loving that book.
BECKETT: Uh, yeah, about that, Mrs. Johnson. Considering your husband’s success, why was he working as a janitor?
WENDY: Well that was research for a new book.
CASTLE: A second PJ Moffett novel?
BECKETT: He was doing research for over five years?
CASTLE: Moffett was legendary for total immersion in his subject. Much like me with you. 
CASTLE: Uh, did you know that before writing a single word of The Butcherbird’s Song, Moffett spent seven years as a drug addicted Eskimo?
WENDY: It’s true. He was extremely dedicated to his craft.
WENDY: Even though he owns a ranch in Wyoming? He insisted we live in Brooklyn for authenticity.
BECKETT: Why did he break into Saint Mark’s last night?
WENDY: I can only guess it was to pray. He had been extremely troubled recently.
CASTLE: Do you know about what?
WENDY: I think it had to be his research.