Currently, the katharsis code base contains some modules that are not directly related to JSONapi but are merely ancillary. As such, they are on the chopping block. This issue is meant to solicit input from the community before doing so
modules up for the chop:
katharsis-validation - validation of your objects is entirely up to you JSONapi makes no mention
katharsis-security - securing your app is your business. JSONApi makes no mention of security at all. It's resource management which should be container based.
Currently, the katharsis code base contains some modules that are not directly related to JSONapi but are merely ancillary. As such, they are on the chopping block. This issue is meant to solicit input from the community before doing so
modules up for the chop:
- validation of your objects is entirely up to you JSONapi makes no mentionkatharsis-security
- securing your app is your business. JSONApi makes no mention of security at all. It's resource management which should be container based.Consider it open mike night