katholt / sonneityping

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detection of all QRDR mutations #3

Open danielleingle opened 4 years ago

danielleingle commented 4 years ago

Not all known QRDR point mutations are being called (particularly in gyrA codon 87). D87G and D87Y were called but D87N wasn't reported. Unsure if D87A is also reported.

katholt commented 4 years ago

Thanks Danielle.

Kalani - I notice there's only 4 QRDR SNPs in there currently... we really need to add all documented SNPs, and also consider extracting full codon information so that we can detect any change away from GyrA-D87, GyrA-S83 or ParC-S80, not just predefined SNPs (the biology is such that any amino acid change at these codons appears to have same effect)