katholt / srst2

Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens
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Please port to Python3 #122

Open tillea opened 4 years ago

tillea commented 4 years ago

Hello, the Debian Med team is maintaining srst2 for official Debian. The recently released Debian 10 was the last Debian release featuring Python2 since this programming language is EOL. If you are interested that we continue to maintain srst2 in official Debian (and that users of other modern distributions will have no problems to install srst2 on their systems) I'd recommend you port your code to Python3. I confirm I have read issue #105 where you are stating that stst2 is written in Python2 - but a conversion using the 2to3 tool is usually not very complex and it increases the chances of usage in the long term. Kind regards, Andreas.

tillea commented 4 years ago

Hi, for the Debian package I've used 2to3 and some manual editing to create a patch which passes the unit tests provided by you with Python3. Feel free to cherry-pick from this, Andreas.

katholt commented 4 years ago

Thanks Andreas. I really appreciate this - we simply haven't had time to try porting, but we will do some testing of this patch and hopefully can update srst2 release to python3 in the new year.