katholt / srst2

Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens
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"ecoli.txt" #132

Closed Jeni05 closed 3 years ago

Jeni05 commented 3 years ago

Hey, I've been making my way through the worked example and I have also tried the script with my own sequences. But every time I try running the script: "srst2 --input_pe ERR024070*.fastq.gz --output shigella1 --log --save_scores --mlst_db Escherichia_coli#1.fasta --mlst_definitions ecoli.txt --gene_db ARGannot.fasta" I get an output that looks promising, but then an error message: "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ecoli.txt'" I then get a "command not found" message when I try to look at any result files. I've tried everything I can find online, but each time I'm met with the same error message. I am a very new at using the command line so I know there is likely something basic that I am missing. Any advice would be great, thanks :)

scwatts commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in srst2! The error looks to be caused by a missing mlst definitions file.

I can see that PubMLST has recently updated the naming scheme for their databases (e.g. the E. coli mlst definitions file has been renamed from ecoli.txt to profiles_csv), which means the worked example is out of date.

Changing --mlst_definitions ecoli.txt to --mlst_definitions profiles_csv in the command you provided should solve this error. I've also updated the basic usage example in the README.md to reflect the changes PubMLST database naming.