katholt / srst2

Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens
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Github and Conda version inconsistencies #143

Open jvhagey opened 5 months ago

jvhagey commented 5 months ago


We (@nvlachos, @madgenetics, and I) ran into an issue with too many "." in the file names as described in #99 . In addition, in cases where a pileup file is not made this results in the program crashing:


It appears that a patch was added to in the conda recipe to address the "." in the file name that also fixes the crash in the image above, but that patch didn't make it into this github. Can you make a new release to get versions into alignment and address other outstanding bugs? This would be really helpful in being able to properly validate versions in our pipeline and for other public health labs trying to do that same. Thanks!