The auth_hash returned from the OAuth handshake returns 3 tokens, do these go into out database?
With regards to the Intro to OAuth lesson we had, the token was added to the db:
rails g model User uid username token
def create
# everything we had above, plus the following:
user = User.find_or_create_by(uid: data[:id])
user.username = data[:login]
user.uid = data[:id]
user.token = access_token
Also, this article mentions adding the refresh token and token to the db.
medium article
However, this article questions if it poses a security issue...should the tokens be encrypted? Should we even bother saving the token to the db as it has a time expiration on it and we are only using it to log in at the moment.
The auth_hash returned from the OAuth handshake returns 3 tokens, do these go into out database?
With regards to the Intro to OAuth lesson we had, the token was added to the db:
Also, this article mentions adding the refresh token and token to the db. medium article
However, this article questions if it poses a security issue...should the tokens be encrypted? Should we even bother saving the token to the db as it has a time expiration on it and we are only using it to log in at the moment.