katie-hughes / brne_social_nav

ROS 2 packages for BRNE social naviagtion
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Calibrate stereo cameras to convert pixel -> 3D location #20

Open katie-hughes opened 1 year ago

katie-hughes commented 1 year ago

ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --pattern 'chessboard' --size 6x8 --square 0.02 --no-service-check --ros-args -r left:=/head/front/cam/image_rect/left -r right:=/head/front/cam/image_rect/right

katie-hughes commented 1 year ago


This is for the front facing cameras

katie-hughes commented 1 year ago

On nano1 (head) I run: ros2 launch unitree_camera head_publishers.launch.py head.front.enable_cam:=true head.bottom.enable_cam:=false

On nano2 (body) run: ros2 launch unitree_camera body_publishers.launch.py body.left.enable_cam:=true body.right.enable_cam:=true

(disabled depth map bc I don't think I will use)

katie-hughes commented 1 year ago

ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --pattern 'chessboard' --size 6x8 --square 0.02 --no-service-check --ros-args -r left:=/body/left/cam/image_rect/left -r right:=/body/left/cam/image_rect/right

ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --pattern 'chessboard' --size 6x8 --square 0.02 --no-service-check --ros-args -r left:=/body/right/cam/image_rect/left -r right:=/body/right/cam/image_rect/right

katie-hughes commented 1 year ago

calibrationdataBODYRIGHT.tar.gz calibrationdataBODYLEFT.tar.gz calibrationdataHEADFRONT.tar.gz