katij-uipath / v23.10_Automation_Suite_Upgrade

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Upgrade the infra layer (run on the primary node only) #120

Open katij-uipath opened 2 months ago

katij-uipath commented 2 months ago

Should take less than 1 hour

On all machines run:


On the primary node run:

cd /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/latest/installer

#disable the cluster backups
./configureUiPathAS.sh snapshot backup disable

#place the cluster in maintenance mode:
./configureUiPathAS.sh enable-maintenance-mode 5

#run the installer on the primary node:

./install-uipath.sh --upgrade -i /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/cluster_config.json -o ./output.json -k --accept-license-agreement --skip-pre-reqs

Note: Running the previous command on the primary server node copies the installer and cluster_config.json to the /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/version/installer default location and upgrades the infrastructure on all the machines.
