katij-uipath / v23.10_Automation_Suite_Upgrade

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Download Installation Packages to Primary Nodes #5

Open katij-uipath opened 1 year ago

katij-uipath commented 1 year ago

In this step, you will be downloading packages to both the source and target cluster, which will be noted in each step.

On the primary node only of the SOURCE CLUSTER (22.4 cluster) - Download the large service fabric bundle (may take several hours to download):

#Open a TMUX Session:
tmux new -s uipath_download

#make a 23.10.1 directory in the /uipath directory
#navigate to the 23.10 data disk directory
mkdir /uipath/2023.10.1

#navigate to the 23.10 data disk directory
cd /uipath/2023.10.1

#download the 23.10 offline bundle 
wget -O as.tar.gz https://download.uipath.com/automation-suite/2023.10.1/as-2023.10.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate

#change owner and permissions
chown -R root as.tar.gz
chmod -R 755 as.tar.gz

Next download the 23.10.1 scripts on the 22.4 SOURCE CLUSTER PRIMARY NODE ONLY:

cd /uipath/2023.10.1

wget -O as-installer.zip https://download.uipath.com/automation-suite/2023.10.1/installer-2023.10.1.zip --no-check-certificate

wget -O versions.json https://download.uipath.com/automation-suite/2023.10.1/versions.json

chmod -R 755 /uipath/2023.10.1
chown -R root /uipath/2023.10.1
unzip as-installer.zip -d installer

Next download the temporary registry files ON THE NEW TARGET CLUSTER PRIMARY NODE:

#navigate to the 23.10 data disk directory
cd /uipath/2023.10.1

#make a tmp directory in the uipath disk directory
mkdir /uipath/tmp

#download the temp registry files
wget -O as-fs.tar.gz https://download.uipath.com/automation-suite/2023.10.1/as-fs-2023.10.1.tar.gz --no-check-certificate

#change owner and permissions
chown -R root as-fs.tar.gz
chmod -R 755 as-fs.tar.gz
katij-uipath commented 1 year ago


KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

getting permission denied for tmux on 03

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

Apparently we changed our policies and now sessions do not time out so they disabled tmux. first download is starting

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

for my notes, have started the d/l on 03 and 11, nothing else yet

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

download completed for both

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

process improvement, number somehow each of the above sections, its easier to reference if I am saying 1 is now fully done etc.

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

second section finished

KKieffer44 commented 9 months ago

finished third section. on fourth section, got an error, sent to Kati

katij-uipath commented 9 months ago

On the DU bundle, I think I linked to the incorrect one. Let's review the skills in use (if any) in current cluster and determine bundle based on that.